Four Statements on Attention
Choreographed by Eve Jacobs.
Performed by Eve Jacobs, Alexander Anderson, Jay Beardsley & Savannah Jade Dobbs.
"A danced thesis on the art of paying attention, I choreographed this work in an attempt to illustrate the sharpening effect that dance has on my mind. The process was enlivened by a sense of collaboration between all four members of the cast. Each dancer brings something unique to the work; each dancer is a statement on attention." - Eve Jacobs
“….’Four Statements on Attention’ inquires about a different approach to dancing, and living, in which we expand and sharpen our perceptual capacities.” - Meg Doyle, Culture Bot. Read full article here
Peggy Theater, Hunter College
La Mama Experimental Theatre Club
Saturday, 5/18/24 at 8:30pm and Sunday, 5/19/24 at 6pm,