Subway sketches

& Affirmations

Digitized series of ink-on-paper sketches paired with affirmations.

When you live in a city, there are many liminal moments that are unavoidable - It is just part of the experience. My in-between moments in transit are often filled with refreshing my phone’s browser and emails while I wait for cellphone service and data to refresh between train stops.

I love it when I get a seat on the subway because I can pull out my sketchbook and start moving with the pen. I can sense the strangers riding beside me, hovering their heads over me as I sketch as they try to act as if they aren’t snooping. Some will tap me on the shoulder to ask in their own way, “what are you drawing?” I always reply, “I never know.”

When I freehand sketch, I tend to see patterns that parallel my habitual movements in my dance improvisational practices. It’s definitely a reflective practice.


Mock Brand: Old Hag Brewery


Subway Ogres